The manufacturer shall submit all hardware and software necessary for the collection of random data. It is highly recommended that RNG application run on hardware identical to what will be used in the field environment.
If this is not possible, please contact the laboratory prior to submission to discuss the collection method.
RNG for testing should be submitted with the following:
- Game parameters and rules including the number of selections within one game or draw, range and if the numbers are drawn with or without replacement, for example Keno, 20 numbers drawn from 1 through 80 without replacement
- Application used to generate the random data as close to the final production application as possible with regard to the RNG implementation. Therefore, it should use the identical function(s), calls, variables, scaling methodology, etc. as the production software
- An explanation of any differences between how the data is drawn for the test application and the production application
- RNG Final Outcome Collection Tool - A data collection tool that allows collection of data in a manner similar to how the game data that is produced in the final release version of the production application;
- Raw Output Collection Tool - If required by the scope of work, a binary data collection tool to allow collection of output from the RNG prior to scaling, shuffling, etc.
- Key files and their respective checksums (SHA1, MD5, or SHA256)
- Hardware requirements and specifications
- Testing expectations
- Intended RNG report recipients
- Source Code Description and Documentation
- Primary contact(s) and contact information for all questions
- It is also recommended to submit a small data sample ahead of the primary submission to verify the format of the data
Some of the listed items may not be necessary. Please click here to download the most current PDF which includes the required items.